The Music

If the music is good you dance, a wise person once said, therefore arguably the best part of Modern Jive is the sheer amount of music that is suitable. Classics from the 40's and 50's all the way through to today's chart hits. We try and play a varied mixture of speeds, styles and feels so there is something for everyone's taste. However, if you have a particular favourite track let our DJ know, you'll find slips of paper around the room allowing you to note down your request. We try our best to play requests but we may not have them all.

Our resident DJ is Baby Kingshott aka Kayla. Her love for dance is only really matched by her love for music... ah...and penguins!

Kayla enjoys playing a classic mix of new and old modern jive favourites. If you're in a seat you won't be for long as this little lady will have your dancing feet moving in no time at all.

Kayla is known for her Motown sets. So don't be surprised to hear a scattering of Motown favourites throughout the night. Check out our sample playlist from one of our nights, you may hear one or more of these tracks when you join us or you may not. As mentioned above the amount of music available for Modern Jive makes the DJ's life a pleasurable nightmare!

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