What is a class night?

Our class nights are formatted to be fun, enjoyable and intuitive. You'll be pleased to know it's not like being back at school, you don't need to raise your hand and you won't be told off by the teacher. You do not need to bring a partner, although parnters and groups of friends are welcomed. We are a members only club, for insurance purposes, which means you will need to fill out a short form on your first night with us. Each class night has the same format, to find out more keep reading.

Beginners Class

The beginners class usually features 3 to 4 moves which create the routine. To begin the teacher welcomes everyone on to the dance floor and you are partnered up. Once partnered the teacher will introduce the first move of the night, these moves are broken down in to small, easy to learn chunks. Throughout the class the teacher will rotate people around so that you get to meet and dance with new people. By rotating round you have the opportunity to dance with dancers of all levels and our crew, who are there to help and reassure. We all know how we felt when we first stepped onto the dance floor and how daunting it can be. Often we hear people say they can't dance because they have two left feet, we say that if you can move you can dance. At the end of the lesson there is a 15 minute freestyle to practice your routine before the next class. You are also welcome to grab a drink, chat to fellow dancers and crew and watch others dance.

Intermediate Class

The intermediate class is for those who have been dancing for 8 weeks or more and is designed to build upon the beginners moves to create more complex and dynamic dances. Again the teacher breaks these moves down into small easy to learn chunks while rotating around the class so you get to dance with others. The teacher will often expand moves to fit the ability of the dancers in attendance, but on average between 3 and 4 moves will be taught.

The Review Session

While the intermediate class takes place in the main hall, beginners are invited into another room to practice the beginners routine again. This session is taken by a selection of our friendly crew. The intention of this session is to give you a chance to ask any questions, provide you with some tips and really get those beginner moves into your muscle memory.


Freestyle is when the lights go down, the music goes up and we dance. It is normal for everyone to ask each other for dances throughout the night. Around 10pm we serve refreshments usually tea, coffee and snacks.